For this assignment, we were given a coffeehouse to rebrand. After being given Joe and Rosie’s Coffee and Tea, I was challenged with creating an entirely new brand. Below are the objectives that I came up with after doing research on the coffeehouse. Through research I was able to decide what needed to change in order to brand a coffeehouse that truly presents the coffeehouse as the cozy, comfortable place that it is.

Below are the challenges that I had faced following my brainstorming for the coffeehouse rebrand. It was super important to establish these and figure out how I would resolve them. My solution was to shorten the name to something more personal… Just Joe and Rosie’s.

Below is the before and after of the rebranding process. On the left you can find their original logo. Upon research you may find that Joe and Rosie’s is a very cozy, welcoming place. But their original logo did not really embody that. So, by shortening the name and focusing on a neutral, minimal design, I was able to develop the coffeehouse into the brand it was always meant to be.

Aside from their logo design, Joe and Rosie’s had lots of room for improvement. For example, their website and their social media presence. One huge thing, especially in this generation, is social media. It is crucial that they become active on media like Instagram or Facebook to keep in touch and built some sort of a “fan base.” Having loyal customers who will spread the word (since word-of-mouth is so reliable), is so important in bringing in more customers and more income.

Below is a potential mobile interface to accompany their revised website. It is easy to use which is so important because most people don’t want to spend too much time searching for the things they are looking for. That is why I placed all of the important information above the fold!

Marketing is also so important for a company. Especially one that is up and coming like Joe and Rosie’s. This is why I developed two key selling points. K-Cups for those customers who prefer to enjoy and drink their coffee from home, and a mug to go along with it.

Overall, below are the key points that I hit in my rebrand. These points are all the reasons why I made the changes and developments that I did with Joe and Rosie’s.